Thread: My perspective
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Old 08-18-2008, 09:44 AM   #17
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 688
Default Briefly, the end.

One day, while happily and even somewhat zealously following the ministry of Witness Lee, a man who was called an elder shouted in my face that I should shut my mouth, not speak to any of the saints any more, and that the saints would be instructed not to speak to me.

That was the end for me, of course.

Many years passed that I wished that even one of them in that place would reach out to me as a brother in the Lord, even if I didn't really want to be part of Laodicea.

But I always respected the instruction of that elder.

I never spoke to them again.

When years later I sought out and attempted to make peace with this elder, he denied recollection of the event entirely, he apologized vaguely before those watching him expectantly that if I were upset then it must have transpired, and he never attempted to speak to me again.

All the gathered saints there that day sang a joyous hymn about brethren dwelling together in unity but none of them ever attempted to contact me again. I had to surmise I hadn't passed the test, whatever it was, and that consequently the instruction not to contact me had not been officially lifted. (Although the elder had also denied that day that such an edict had ever been issued.)

Their expectation was clearly that I needed to be involved in whatever they were doing, so, I guess it doesn't really matter anyway.

But I am not blind to the nature and extent of the religious practices and potential for harm of this little denomination that declares that it has need of nothing.

The Lord's eye salve has been costly to me indeed.
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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