Thread: OBW's Blog
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Old 01-10-2013, 07:57 PM   #46
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: OBW's Blog

Originally Posted by OBW View Post

I have begun to take some even more strong stands in favor of Christianity as we know it. And I don’t really leave any of it out. It does sort of make one wonder why I would bother picking on the LRC if I can be so generous to the RCC. I’m not giving the RCC a free pass. But the problems I have with the LRC affect me and my relationship with family. So those clearly stand out as more important to me.
Mike. I just started reading your blog. If I am not posting, I am not lurking. I do not read all threads because compared to most people here, I was in the LC a very short time. The RcV was not even compiled! But I do have a copy of the NT RcV.

When I was in the LC, we mostly used the KJ. I learned to pray read from the KJ. The scriptures that are inscribed in my heart and mind are from the KJ and the NASB, which we also used briefly. In recent years, I have cross referenced the Amplifie, New Living Translation and on very few occasions the NIV. My RcV is in a box collecting dust. It was given to me. I have skimmed through it but. I have never really used it as as study bible.

But just like the RCC impacted my upbringing, the LC also made an impact on me which is why I come and go.

I think I go to mass once a year due to weddings, funerals, or some other invite. I even participate in the litergy except when they pray the "Hail Mary". I draw the line there. No can do. Will not do.

I have attended some AOG services but not recently. I am not a tongue speaking die hard. I have prayed in tongues BY FAITH, believing the Holy Spirit is praying through me when I could not find the words to pray with. Other church services and prayer meetings I have attended in the last 10 years all emphasized praying in tongues. I tried to be open. Ultimately I would much rather pray the scriptures.

I think it is commendable you have been generous towards the RCC without giving them a free pass. My one neighbor is a very religious Catholic. He was ordained a deacon a couple of years ago. I went to the elaborate mass. I never prayed so hard or so much. NOT because it was a devilish service. Had I not prayed as I did, I would have either been bored out of my mind or would have fallen asleep! I developed a new appreciation for crucifying the flesh!!!!

But I am at a different place in my spiritual journey. The journey began in my youth with the Assemblies of God (AOG). During my senior year of high school, we (the whole family) left that for the LRC. Just up and left. (Of course, that is fairly common of LRC converts.) Then 14.5 years later, me, my wife, and our two young children (5 and 2) left the LRC. We have mostly been at one Bible church the whole time. We recently moved to another Bible church. Not because of problems or disagreements. But our son followed a girl at Dallas Theological Seminary to this other group and married her. We get to see them more often this way.
Good for you!!! Life IS a journey. We ought not be afraid where the Spirit of God leads us and guides us. Just like Abram did not really know where the Lord was taking him, and walked by Faith, so do we.

I began to see the words of scripture as they were written and not as they were reinterpreted for us.

I am now convinced that the old things are neither something to be discarded like dirt from your shoes, nor cherished like there can be no more. The ways of various groups are just that — ways. They are not gospel. Neither are they heresy.

Then why would I come here to join in chastising the LRC when I think that virtually all the others are OK?
I know you addressed this question Mike. I just want to add that you, me everyone here are on a quest for Truth. Some are very content going to church, some are exploring the idea and some have been there already.

[Quote]I know that my generosity to the RCC may tend to grate on some. I do not think they are simply OK. There is much to say about them. But I also cannot join with those who virtually declare them to be not a church.[Quote]

It does not grate on me. I am not sure that it grates on anyone here. Of course, if you -converted- to Catholicism eating up the whole enchilada, well that would ruffle a lot of feathers! I do not know that anyone argues it is not a church. Setting aside, we learned in the LC the RCC is represented by the CHURCH in Thyatira in Revelation 3, it is true. In fact, when I did my own personal study of who are those that call themselves Jews but are from the synagogue of Satan, I discovered it was the "converted" Jews Paul was warning in the book of Hebrews who were responsible for instituting the RCC. And that is all I will say about that.

within that, I believe that there are many more there who are “saved” than the rest of us like to consider possible.
No doubt OBW!! no doubt. Aron posed a better question IMHO regarding the "Who is a real Christian" thread.We can discuss it there.

And nothing has really changed. Yeah, the RCC still suggests that you need another mediator.
It is far more sinister than that Mike. Most Catholics, most people do not know the dark and evil doings that go on in the Vatican. Malachi Martin was a close associate to Pope John XXIII and People Paul VI.
He has several books detailing his findings. He died in 1999.

That said, I know many Catholics who love the Lord Jesus. I believe many Catholics are saved, truly born again.

The church is not the center. Ministers are not the center. Jesus is the center. Following Jesus is the center. Obeying is the center. Love God and love your fellow man.
This should be the mission statement of this forum!!!

Thanks for sharing and blessings to you and your family Mike..especially those stuck in the grip of the LSM.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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