Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....
I would just like to say that after leaving the LRC two and half years ago (approximately), my family has never been healthier or happier today. We have gone on with the Lord. We are spiritually fed. We enjoy the fellowship of all of those that we come in contact with. I feel that leaving the LRC was the best thing we ever did. We did not leave the church. We entered into it. I am not in religion. I left it. We had also heard that our health and spiritual growth could be in jeopardy. I can not give a quote but I knew this in the LC and was afraid to leave. I was surprised to see that my growth seemed to increase. The Lord is able to speak to me directly now because I am not looking to the words of WL. I am only looking to Jesus. There is no mediator. Nothing is coming between my God and me.