Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-17-2008, 08:52 PM   #131
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 22
Default Dallas Effected Me!

In April 2008, while watching the news, I heard an interview that I couldn't erase from my mind. This was when the children of an extreme sect of Mormons from a compound in Texas were pulled for a brief time. The 'Lost Boys' were interviewed to gain some insight into the thinking of this group. As they spoke, my eyes and ears were locked! Sounds crazy, but I could relate so distinctly with there words.

The interviewer asked, "Now years after being cast out of your home, separated from your mother, I bet if you were to return to the compound, back into your home ~ your mother would embrace you and would be so relieved to see her son!" One of the 'Lost Boys' responded with these words, "No, she would turn and not acknowledge me. In order to understand this, you have to consider the Mormon religion ~ they strongly believe that serving the 'church' is the only thing that holds value in life, that this is a Mormon's entire purpose. To acknowledge me would be to deny my mother's calling." I picked my jaw up off the floor...for the first time I felt understood! I spent my first 13 years raised by an elder in the LC. Neglect!?!? In my home, I think that would be a mild way of expressing the relationship I (and my siblings) had with my parents.

Perhaps as time passes I'll feel comfortable to share more, but I have to say that I did live in Dallas for a number of years and firsthand I must say that things were DEFINITELY OFF, despite how pleasant of a picture some families may have attempted to paint! (And I speak of my family here, not HOPE's).

As an adult, reflecting, I think I've always known that things were very off with my family growing up, but God has just recently opened my eyes to the tight grasp this sin holds even today (especially my parents). I am confident that the LC (which they have now left) still today keeps them from enjoying the relationships that God intended them to have with their children and grandchildren.

I have found that there is nothing more freeing then the freedom found in confessing my sins! After all, only Christ's blood is sufficient, we ALL need the grace He offers!!! (And in my opinion, that doesn't mean arguing the facts when someone was horribly offended, sinned against and hurt! If its wrong, call it wrong...don't talk about the peculiarities of the situation! Nothing is more precious than humility - and if you don't remember this situation HOPE, I think it'd be real wise to pray for God to open your eyes for anything you can take ownership of and seek Christ's forgiveness!)
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