Our Reading Continues Into Chapter 4
Chapter 4: An Evaluation of Witness Lee's Writings
"How should Christians respond to the teachings of Witness Lee? What evaluation ought to be placed on his movement's doctrines and practices? The LC exclusiveness towards other churches confuses and annoys many people. Some feel challenged to examine themselves in the light of LC teaching, yet that teaching is often ambiguous or contradictory. The LC's sectarian approach to church life may offer a broad clue that its teachings are at odds with the mainstream of Christian belief. Lee's strong use of Scripture has often led Christians to overlook areas of his word that seem unclear or questionable but not blatantly wrong. Continuing problems between Christian communities and the LC, however, suggest a need for a second look.
Plowing through volumes of Witness Lee's materials... one sees many debatable points. Ambiguities begin to take on a recognizable pattern, assuming proportions that constitute definite aberrations. Few people outside the LC are likely to examine that copious literature with care. Christians who glance at Lee's teachings may conclude that he zealously communicates biblical truth, whereas intense scrutiny would reveal some systematic fallacies of his doctrines."
35 years later, what has changed? The LC is still extremely sectarian - more so than any 'denomination' they abominate. Witness Lee's teachings have been called 'strong meat' by some elders, and not fit for the consumption of 'new ones' until they're well in the fold - emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically integrated into the group.
SCP is right, at first glance, so much of what we read and heard in the LC sounded so right... but getting in 'the meat' of their teachings revealed an altogether different and unexpected flavor.... and the problems, as the author points out, are systematic. The whole of Lee's theology was built on a single idea - everything he expounded flowed out of that. If he was wrong on that one foundational point, then everything he expounded and taught was likewise wrong... You could call it "the fruit of a poisonous tree".