Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-17-2008, 09:38 AM   #120
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Originally Posted by djohnson View Post
And let it also be pointed out per Ingalls book that when he wanted to discuss with Phillips and Graver the behavior of Lee's son they both adamantly refused to listen because why? Because it was a "local matter" restricted to Anaheim. Are these the same guys who think kissing a boy is an extra local matter? I said in the another forum that the leadership of the LCS are full of B.S. Hey maybe that's a better description than addiction!
djohnson, maybe this isn't the right thread for this response, but have you considered Benson Phillips and Ray Graver did not want to listen to John Ingall's fellowship involving Witness Lee's son, because it would not have served their purpose to do so?

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