Originally Posted by OBW
I'm sure that they had specific things or even a single thing in mind. But they avoid directly speaking of it.
Was there any indication of whatever "it" was that they are getting beyond? That they were "over"?
Or were the faithful to just accept that something had been going on but it was now "over"?
Well OBW, I think you know as well as I do. When as adults choosing to go elsewhere for fellowship while the parents continue to meet in the local churches. Same applies here. Ron in his speaking, "
In this part of the earth", many would infer to the Puget Sound region where Seattle is. Where brother Ron says, "
inflicted by the enemy to a gifted person, who had a kind of ministry", that would recognized as meaning Bill Freeman. Of course there are other hints to direct the listener to know who he was talking about without being specific.
The saints from Seattle who moved down to Scottsdale was years (85-87?)before I moved (93) to Washington state. Some of whom were younger gifted brothers whose parents continued to meet with Washington state localities. As to being over it, in my first local church home meeting in 1994, following the meeting part of the conversation centered around "the rebels" who went to Scottsdale. Having been out of the churchlife for a period of years, I wasn't clear by what was meant as rebels or whom?
A few years later one of the brothers from Scottsdale came up for his sister's wedding (as she and their mom still met in the local churches). As for one who was presumed to be a rebel, I was quite impressed with the brother and how well he was received by the saints from our locality. Though meeting in fellowship apart from the local churches, he was still family; a member of the Body.
Are they any more over it know than then? I don't know. Perhaps the concept among some in the local churches needs to change from "Us and Them" to, "are you pressing on with the Lord where you fellowship"?