Originally Posted by Terry
"Lots of activity. People are drawn. People are helped temporarily, but it is not for the building up of the Body of Christ. After exercising long forbearance, Brother Lee publicly rendered his view of this situation. He said the brother asked me to speak concerning his work and Brother Lee said it is a division. The ministry as only one goal to build up the Body of Christ."
Pretty spiritual, when you have such penetrating insight as Lee had: "What I do builds up the body of Christ. What everybody else does is a division."
That is merely self-referential subjectivism masquerading as objective truth. When it builds a reinforcing system around itself it is hard to bring down. Paul in 2 Corinthians 10 talks about bringing down "high things" which are opposed to the knowledge of God. I would posit that such are the mental construct(s) behind that kind of teaching, presented here by Terry.