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Old 12-04-2012, 11:33 AM   #254
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Default Re: Our Reading Continues

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
They all had the same teacher!

IMHO regardless of scale or in what form (individual or collective) the whole idea and practice of having a MOTA is unbiblical for good reason. It shifts focus from the church at a local level and usually entails undermining the local eldership. Everything becomes about what does the MOTA think? Did you fellowship with the MOTA about it? We have to drop everything and go hear the MOTA! We have to finance the MOTA. Etc. Ultimately such an atmosphere devalues the local church and individual believers.

If the result of the fall out in the GLA is that Titus Chu is finally put in his proper place (not by the Anaheim Politburo who are just as bad or worse) but by the churches and their leaders then I think that's a silver lining.
There's still lots of brothers who feel that TC should be the current MOTA.

And all the things you said how the MOTA -- shifts focus from the church at a local level and usually entails undermining the local eldership. Everything becomes about what does the MOTA think? Did you fellowship with the MOTA about it? We have to drop everything and go hear the MOTA! We have to finance the MOTA. Etc. Ultimately such an atmosphere devalues the local church and individual believers. -- still are occurring.
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