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Old 12-04-2012, 08:34 AM   #252
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Default Re: Midwest

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post

Are these churches that abandon the Blendeds AND TC staying together, or are they dissolving?
Remember I posted that picture of Columbus, Cincy, and Toronto brothers together? Some brothers and churches definitely are together.

I believe the departure of several key brothers (e.g. John Myer,) all very well respected, has caused nearly every GLA leader to reconsider their relationship with Cleveland. Nigel Tomes' articles have not been well-received in metro Cleveland, especially for those who cling to the simplistic paradigm "good Lee, bad Blended."

Sometimes churches might not move entirely in the direction of their leaders, but some of the "non-aligned" leaders have stayed connected. Some leaders stay connected with Cleveland for the sake of their saints, even though they have serious reservations.

That creates complications. Consider all the family ties which have developed over the years. Some families have LSM-aligned, TC-aligned, and non-aligned saints spanning 3 generations. Some are actively focusing on nothing but Jesus just to keep the peace. I guess the easiest way to say it is that churches are not as homogenous as they formerly were.

If leaders can make group alignment a non-issue, then the love of God has a way to flourish once again. In this regard, we have a lot to learn from community churches.
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