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Old 12-04-2012, 06:24 AM   #244
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Our Reading Continues

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
You are both right and wrong. Lee did teach salvation and redemption. But they were lowered in importance and what was elevated was not really what the scripture says. Lee wanted good Christians to follow an alternate path to his version of "glory." So salvation was required. We had to be redeemed. But the rest was something else.

There is no joke here. Duddy may not have gotten every aspect spot on because he and his fellow researchers were not long-time members. But they got a pretty good idea. And they spelled it out pretty accurately.
I was taught very clearly that redemption was part of salvation. I was also taught very much on the idea of replacement, but never once was I taught that salvation was not so much redemption but replacement. We were very clear that these were two different things and that both were part of salvation. We were also taught that the minute you are redeemed you are "saved".

And, if you look at the printed ministry there is no basis to make this claim at all. Now, if he had said "they emphasize "replacement" more than redemption" that would have been reasonable.
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