Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-17-2008, 05:08 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by Roger View Post
We should all take a close look at Titus and what he did in the Midwest (shaming and all). He was only being so bold as to put into open practice those things which he had observed in his, "Acting God," "Oracle," "One Trumpet for the Age," Apostle for the Age" - Witness Lee.
Right Roger. TC witnessed WL and emulated all the good and the bad.

I would say something even further.

Three years ago while researching Brethren history, I realized that we had a systemic disease -- I called it "bullying" then --on all levels (local, regional, national, and global) but that same disease affected the Brethren too. Not only that, the same disease can be found in other parts of church history, and in the N.T. too -- with the works of the Judaizers.

This thread could be considered a fulfillment of Paul's word, "beware of dogs."
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