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Old 12-03-2012, 12:40 PM   #249
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Default Re: Midwest

Try my best here ...

1. Things have changed since the quarantine. Many who stood with TC during the quarantine, are not close to him now. I like to believe that information provided on these forums have been extremely educational for some.

2. Yes, there are some FTers and elders who regularly meet with TC, and their churches sometimes use his materials. He still has helpers to polish and publish his messages.

3. As was posted in the past, some places which rejected the quarantine, are now distant from TC, such as Grandview Christian Assy and Cincinnati Christian Assy which are in fellowship with one another. Many GLA brothers, however, will not associate with them anymore.

4. Yes, things have splintered. The 3 elders of my old church is totally loyal to TC.

5. My place does review TC conferences, and of course attends them all. The ones who have left TC's controls have realized that being in relationship with him is just as bad as with the Blendeds. The elders in my place will say that TC is not easy to work with, but voice no complaints.

6. The local ground has become a discarded teaching for those who have left both Anaheim and Cleveland. John Myer said there is more justification in the Bible for head covering, than for the ground of locality, and that has alienated him from TC loyalists.

All the TC-loyalists which I know, have all become, over time, bullies like their master. Those who reject his nasty abuses have all been liberated to pursue the Lord without all the nasty baggage and entanglements in Cleveland. The liberation of brothers and churches from both Anaheim and Cleveland has brought them back to the freedoms of the Spirit.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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