Originally Posted by Cassidy
Apparently, Witness Lee did not have the same burden for the book of Psalms has he had for the writings of Paul for instance. He had the liberty and responsibility to follow the leading of the Lord. There may be mysterious revelations of Christ in the Psalms ... as you say that [Lee] did not recognize. That will be up to someone else I suppose to expound on.
I appreciate your reasoned reply. My only response at the moment is that if someone else tries to expound on the Bible, within the "local church" environs, or does what you call elsewhere "another study", they will be labeled factious, devisive, ambitious, drawing others after themselves, etc. They will be immediately shouted down by the lackeys and sycophants who have clustered themselves around "the ministry".
"The ministry" as I have seen it simply allows no other voice than its own.
Originally Posted by Cassidy
...There are at least a hundred messages on the Psalms and hundreds (maybe thousands) of references to them in other parts of the ministry. How many more would you have considered were needed?
Hundreds of more messages are needed. We have barely scratched the surface. Let me ask you a question: when Paul equates the Psalms as "the word of Christ", does he specifically point out some of them? Or does he anywhere intimate that some are especially profitable, and others less so? Or does he anywhere give a word that some of them are only useful to show us what God does not want?
Yet on those grounds, Lee dismissed the bulk of the text. He missed the boat on this one, and you and I both know that in today's "Lord's Recovery" if anyone mentions a possible lack, or deficiency in the "rich ministry" of Witness Lee in this regard they'll be hustled out the door so quick their head will spin.