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Old 12-02-2012, 07:12 AM   #212
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Default Re: Our Reading Continues

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Which is the way everyone else understands this. The problem is that Witness Lee then tweeks this to say some of the psalms were written "wrongly with a wrong concept". He then tweeks this to say that the entire book of James was "not God's word".

So instead of seeing that "all scripture is God breathed" to mean that it is inspired by God, it now means that God has a purpose to put all these words in this book and that thanks to Witness Lee we now know they are there to see if we truly understand God's economy. This is the most arrogant teaching imaginable. He was obviously blinded with pride and arrogance.

Witness Lee believed and acknowledged that all of Scripture is God-breathed. He stated it directly and he underscored his belief with tens of thousands of messages covering every book of the Bible (James and Psalms included) on every christian topic. That is a level of commitment to Scripture that most Christians or ministers will never make including present company.

You seem to be advocating that all books be treated with equal weight or disregard the background of the writer or ignore contrasting it with other books in the Bible, etc. . I find nothing in the Scripture that says a minister or teacher must do that. If someone has a burden from the Lord to expound on certain Scripture more or less or not at all then they have the liberty before the Lord. However, each minister must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit on this matter. If you feel the book of James or Psalms were shortchanged in Witness Lee's teachings and have a burden from the Lord, then you should put pen to paper and write a study of your own on these books.
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