Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-16-2008, 06:04 PM   #101
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 73
Default Setting the record straight

Originally Posted by Hope View Post

I am so sorry for that sad episode. But I have absolutely no recollection of it. I am not doubting your word but I have no rememberance of it and it sounds very very odd to me. May I assume you were from Houston, where Jane was from? I never, never got involved in Houston affairs if there was any way possible. I do not think I was ever there after 1976. The less contact I had with Ray Graver the better.

If you were from OK City, after James Barber moved there, he made it clear to all the elders that I was not welcomed. I had previously labored there quite a bit but when he moved he declared he was drawing a line at the Red River and that he was going to stop Don Rutledge. What a joke!! Well anyway, if you were from OK City there is no way I would have been in any meeting regarding a saint from that church.

Sorry again for your suffering and I am happy that you are fine today. May the Lord continue to keep you and bless you.

In Christ Jesus,

Don Rutledge
Dear Hope,
Well, thanks for the apology. Here is the scenario - I was from Houston where I lived in a house with other girls and a family. My parents lived in OKC. This instance occurred at a conference in Dallas at which time someone told me I needed to go next door after one of the meetings. Maybe it seemed like a good idea since we were all gathered in Dallas??? Neither my parents, nor I were aware what it was about - no one bothered telling us before hand. It was a harsh way to deal with anything, at best. It is funny to me that some members in this forum are talking about how they could never see that happening. Is that called denial?

A member also asked about my boyfriend at the time. His father did not attend meetings, was considered negative, and did not get involved in any activities related to the group in Houston. This put him out of jurisdiction for such discipline methods. Good for him - lol ;-).

I made a choice many years ago to move on. I don't like to use old sectarian terms, bring up these experiences, or talk about the people in that time of my life (except for my real friends that I still hold dear to my heart). I am very happy and think I have done much better by leaving it where it belongs... in the past. This is really old stuff. Instead, let's spend our moments and days praising God - our God is a wonderful God! I would much rather talk about Him :-).

Last edited by blessD; 08-16-2008 at 07:03 PM.
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