Upon arriving home from Dwight's funeral I find myself with mixed emotions...
The brothers who shared were honest and loving in their testimonies...however...
His wife had requested that due to the large number of people that only seven people speak and she named the seven. This was announced as such and those seven did a touching tribute to our brother...however...
As soon as the final prayer was said...one of the new elders from the LSM side stood to speak...my husband and I stood up and left.
Do the LSMers have no respect at all? It was made clear the families' wishes...yet here they go...they MUST have the last word!
Isn't it enough that they stole 40 years worth of labor from the man? Must they inject themselves into his funeral too? It was the most blatant disrespect I've ever seen at a funeral.
Pardon me, but I am still so bothered within.
This was how every Lord's Table was ruined...the LSMers could not contain themselves!!!!
Dwight built meeting halls all over the Midwest, gave himself to repair and remodel wherever needed. I can't begin to tell you how hard he labored spiritually and physically. He designed and built the Mansfield Meeting Place that is now occupied by LSMers. There is no shame or conscience on their part. The building he built from scratch cannot be used for his funeral dinner.