Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
Okay, you're either being petty or obtuse. Duddy quotes Lee from a book Lee entitled "WL, Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms". The quote stands alone, but you're saying that Duddy has to do a full exposition of Lee's book as well in order to be able to quote from it?
Z, this quote from the book of Lee's is understood by all of us - including you - to be typical of Lee. Why do you insist on trying to torpedo a book you've never even read?
Duddy should have quoted Lee's entirely and then it would not lead to misunderstandings.
But, let's examine Duddy's claim here at the end:
Such a statement amounts in effect to a curse on critics of Lee's teachings. It portends evil to any members of LC fellowships with qualms about personal involvement. It is equivalent to a pronouncement that God Himself will blight those who oppose the LC... and it dovetail's with Lee's view that the LC is the only true church."
Witness Lee made an observation and suddenly Duddy equates this to putting a curse on people? His objections have no basis and in fact is contrary to sound scriptural practice and church government. For instance, in 1 Tim 1:3 Paul told Timothy to
"....charge certain ones not to teach different things". Using Duddy's logic Paul was trying to silence critics. How about I Tim 1:20 where Paul says
".... Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan that they may be disciplined not to blaspheme." So using Duddy's logic Paul did more than curse these two, he actually struck a deal with Satan to blight these two and their reputation to advance his (Paul's) own view that in Ephesus there was only one true church!