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Old 11-26-2012, 11:42 AM   #92
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Our Reading Continues

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Lee speaking:

Essentially, Lee considered being "blessed" to be to follow him in everything. Therefore, to oppose him or his movement in any way was to cease to be "blessed." It was black and white to him. No following him, no blessing. That's what he believed, so that's what he saw, or claimed to see.

It is this kind of speaking that I am essentially opposed to. Anyone can find their way out of Lee's theology with some study, but claiming that to leave and oppose him and his movement is to summon God's curse is beyond the pale and is a blatant attack on the conscience, mind and emotions of the listener.
Those would be much better quotes. If you had a quote that said he was blessed by following Watchman Nee and that others would be blessed by following him, that would be a big one. I remember him saying something about T Austin Sparks speaking against the Local Church once when he came to China and that from that day the anointing left him. Now that quote, combined with this would be much more powerful. If you could then tie those two quotes into the teaching on the ground, then I think that would be proof.
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