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Old 11-26-2012, 10:50 AM   #88
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Default Re: The God-Men: An Inquiry into Witness Lee & the Local Church

Several posts back, I said
I'm not equating the LRC to the JWs or Mormons.
To which you later responded:
Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Of course you are. You have used my feeling that the JW's are heretical and compared it with this brothers feelings that the LRC is heretical. In your analogy you are likening the LRC to the JWs and Mormons. However, this statement here shows you are too mealy mouthed to say it straight.
It is clear that you are not mealy mouthed. You are just plain arrogant. You intent to misread and insist that you are correct in your assessment is all too plain.

My purpose in mentioning how you would deal with the JWs and/or Mormons was in no way intended to state that there is an actual comparison with the LRC. It was to note that if there are those who honestly believe that the LRC is as off-the-mark in their own way as those groups are, would you assert that they should just be silent because they (the LRC) claim otherwise for themselves?

And the short of this is that you a walking around with a burr in you boots. You make everything about you. Every account centers on your uniqueness. Your actions. Your observations. Those are valid and they are part of the equation. But they are not THE view of everything.

I was not hemming and hawing at suggesting that the LRC is like the JWs or Mormons. I am consistently clear that they are not. For all their flaws, they are quite Christian. Not something else with a cloak of Christianity wrapped around them to deceive. Oh, there is plenty of deception. But it is not to hide a non-Christian religion.

Now, do you dare to claim that I am really saying something else? Will you continue and make stupidity into an outright lie? Are you so distracted by you imagination that you cannot actually deal with what I say and must assault what I did not?
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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