Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
"Vague": uncertain, indefinite, unclear.
"Obscure": unfocussed, imprecise.
"Absolutized": to make absolute, to make a priniciple universally valid.
"Precision": the quality of being exact and accurate (the opposite of vague and obscure).
"Depracated": to belittle, depreciate, held in disdain or contempt.
"As a matter of course": A logical outcome.
With these words defined, we can restate this sentence to say the same thing, here goes:
"When statements that are unclear and imprecise are made out to be universal principles, then it logically follows that statements which are exact and accurate will be held in contempt."
Ray. Let's assume your translation is what Duddy meant. The second does not necessarily logically follow the first. But nonetheless, what examples does Duddy provide to substantiate this position?