Originally Posted by Cassidy
what is this suppose to mean?
"When the "vague and obscure" are absolutized, precision, their opposite, is depracated almost as a matter of course. For example, any attempts to approach biblical language as a vehicle of meaning,..."
"Vague": uncertain, indefinite, unclear.
"Obscure": unfocussed, imprecise.
"Absolutized": to make absolute, to make a priniciple universally valid.
"Precision": the quality of being exact and accurate (the opposite of vague and obscure).
"Depracated": to belittle, depreciate, held in disdain or contempt.
"As a matter of course": A logical outcome.
With these words defined, we can restate this sentence to say the same thing, here goes:
"When statements that are unclear and imprecise are made out to be universal principles, then it logically follows that statements which are exact and accurate will be held in contempt."