Originally Posted by Gong
He already won this case.
Excellent point. A little way back someone stated "I believe that every word is God breathed". How about Luke 14:28-32.
Duddy lost the case based on US law. You want to enter the legal system then you play by their rules. Just like the Lord said, if you want to go to war you better count the cost first to make sure you can finish what you start.
The Law courts are not about "uncovering the truth" they are about "winning". This is why it is shameful for us, as Christians, to take our matters there. We should be about truth and justice. The legal system, just like all forms of war, favor those with the most resources (or in this case money).
The lesson from this book for me is Luke 14:28-32. If you want to go to war then you should make sure every i is dotted and every t is crossed. You should make sure your research is extensive, it is credible, and it is vetted. If he had done this then why "run out of money". You don't need a lawyer. The publisher would have a lawyer that would respond to motions, whenever they asked for your research you would pull out the files, make copies and give it to them. Surely the publisher can afford to make copies and send a lawyer to handle motions. As you have already pointed out the burden of proof was on LSM, not Duddy. If Duddy was without blemish it should have been LSM that ran out of money, not Duddy. Why does he need to "depose" anyone, he should have already done a thorough job of research before publishing the book. Since matters of orthodoxy and orthopraxy are out of the jurisdiction of the US courts it would really favor Duddy. The fact that he lost this case is, as the Lord said, going to cause all who behold him to mock him.