Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
Ladies and Gentlemen, I really want to stay on track here. Please: I am trying to conduct an inquiry into the book - that's all I'm trying to do. If you want to believe that Lee had the right to sue Duddy, then fine, I'm giving you the opportunity to that trial here - let's look at the book and see whether he could have won this case or not based on the evidence that is presented and not on inuendo or feelings.
Please people: Order in the Court.
A courtroom with judges, jurists, and prosecutors but without a defense?
A court where allegations and arguments made by the prosecution cannot be challenged. Where a firsthand witness (
ZNP) offers an alternative point of view from that of the prosecution and then is immediately personally discredited and dismissed as biased? Isn't testimony about the damage caused by the slander and libel of Duddy's book super relevant and central to this whole matter?
Seriously, that kind of court is not a real court. That would be a Kangaroo court.
Look, an inquiry is one thing. Prosecuting is another. You have been prosecuting, including one of the witnesses. if you don't want your arguments challenged then write a blog. I don't expect you to be objective but you should not be surprised when you are challenged.