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Old 11-24-2012, 06:35 AM   #59
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 348
Default Re: The God-Men: An Inquiry into Witness Lee & the Local Church

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I really want to stay on track here. Please: I am trying to conduct an inquiry into the book - that's all I'm trying to do. If you want to believe that Lee had the right to sue Duddy, then fine, I'm giving you the opportunity to pursue that trial here - let's look at the book and see whether he could have won this case or not based on the evidence that is presented and not on inuendo or feelings.

Because I am trying to be thorough in my treatment of this book, I need the people who want to participate in this thread to keep an open mind. Imagine you were men and women of the jury. Would you be allowed to remain in the jury if you voiced a judgement before the evidence was even presented? No. And yet that is EXACTLY what you're doing when you accuse Duddy of printing a book that is "libelious and slanderous". At this point, we haven't established whether this book IS libelious and slanderous - that's what LSM has ALLEGED - but that needs to be proven in a court of law - and because this was a matter of public defamation, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff (LSM). The only way to determine whether or not these allegations were true according to the definition of "Defamation" - the charge against SCP - we need to go through the book and see what it was that SCP printed.

People; Jurists and Judges are vetted before they're allowed to sit on a case. If you can't have an open mind, then you can't possibly render justice - because no matter what evidence is presented, or where it points you, you will stubbornly refuse to see it and only see what you want to see. Consequently, you would have to be removed from the case and the court room.

To Anyone Prepared to Dismiss the Authority of God's Word as revealed in 1st Corinthians 6:1-8:

I believe that the Bible is God's Word - and that "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2nd Timothy 3:16).

If you are prepared to dismiss a clear instruction in Scripture given to the New Testament church as simple allegory, then what more can I say to you? What is Truth? God's Word is Truth - but when you allegorize it wherever you find it's revealed Truth uncomfortable, then no amount of Scripture will ever persuade you otherwise. That being the case, what profit is there in argument?

Please people: Order in the Court.
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