Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
Cassidy, you are absolutely wrong. Any person who "moved a fence-line" to expand his property and then told me "he was a Christian" or "God told me to do it" would be a liar - not a Christian. Again Cassidy, you know a tree by it's fruit. Just because someone says they're a Christian, doesn't mean it's so. Calling on the name of the Lord is NOT a definitive sign of a Christian; far from it. Do you not know that in that day (the last day), many will call Him "Lord, Lord" - and if you've read your bible, you already know what He will say to them... "Depart from Me you workers of lawlessness, for truly I say to you: I never knew you." (Matthew 7:22-23)
...but Cassidy, I am glad you are still here and reading. May the Lord open your eyes to the Truth of His Word.
In Christ,
OK, now that clears everything up.
So, based on Paul's use of his citizenship as a Roman we as Christians have every right to use the laws that are written for all citizens.
However, we should not use the laws that allow us to sue others for libel if they are Christians, rather we should suffer loss.
However, no "Christian" would commit libel, because that means they are walking according to the flesh. Therefore it is OK to sue for libel even if the person you are suing claims to be a Christian because they are "lying".
We "know a tree by its fruit". Since their "fruit" is "evil" we can go ahead and use the laws even if they claim to be a Christian. What a wonderful loophole.
So glad you cleared that up for us.