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Old 11-23-2012, 02:58 PM   #47
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: The God-Men: An Inquiry into Witness Lee & the Local Church

"Now let me ask a question quickly - and I haven't seen this in the book: But what is the difference between calling on the Lord as is done in the Meeting Halls, and using a Mantra? Just a question."

The most outstanding difference is the object. It is scriptural to call on the Lord but it is vain to call on Krishna. It is scriptural to pray in the Spirit and allow Him to direct, lead, guide you, and saturate you. It is vain to "Om" into transformation.

Using your logic one could make a case against faith in Christ by asking "what is the difference between faith in Christ and faith in Buddha?" The answer is the same: It is the object that makes the difference, not the act of faith. Likewise it is not the calling on the Lord that is an issue but rather it is the object that matters.

There are other differences but this is the central one.

Yes, it was a question, yet an implied one.
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