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Old 11-22-2012, 03:21 PM   #41
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 348
Default Re: The God-Men: An Inquiry into Witness Lee & the Local Church

Saints, I'd like to take a break right now and ask you people more in the know that I, for more background on Max Rapoport. I think establishing the credibility of this witness is crucial to the case at hand, as I believe his credibility has already been called into question.

I provided a link to a discussion about "Max Rapoport's So-called Rebellion", and from it I would like to insert a copy of some of the testimonies regarding Max here.

Sandee Rapoport, Max's wife has testified (11/10/05)

"Dear Bill W. (and others)

My daughter and I were told about this website.

Our family has never discussed this in a public way on the internet but after reading your testimony this morning, we were both in tears regarding your experience with the local church.* You are one among thousands of familys that were torn apart and destroyed by the LC.*

The devestating affect on the Saints is too painful to even given utterance to.* I just wanted you to know personally how sorry I am and how happy I am to hear that the Great Shepard of the sheep has led you back to himself and that your wounds are being healed and that your finding God is restoring your family life through a new situation.* I relate to your pain personally for I have passed through many of the things did.*

I found through praying for the leadership and all the saints in the LC that they truly do not realize what they have done and are doing. So instead of anger, have pity for them and pray that their eyes would be open to Christ and his great love for EVERY saint that he has died for.* Many people that had prayed for the destruction of our lives, have come out and come to us in love and apologized realizing what they were a part of.* So know that it is not impossible for your children to have their eyes opened. All in the Lord's timing.* Please feel free to email me if you need further healing. My family will be praying for you specifically and praying for the restoration of your relationship with your children.*

I am open to hearing from anyone, including any saints that we may have offended or hurt in any way during this time.
Your Sister in Christ,
Sandee Rapoport

You can reach me here:;u=1646

Jessica Rapoport's testimony is recorded here (11/11/05)

Hi Everyone,

My name is Jessica and I am Max and Sandee Rapoport's daughter.* I was 9 years old when my parents left the LC.* My mother encouraged me to reach out to adult children of ex LC members. So that is why I am logging on.* If there is anyway I can be a help to any of you please feel free to email me.* Although I was quite young when we escaped I was still quite affected in many ways as were all members of our family, immediate and extended.* My mother has asked me to give a short testimony on here regarding what I saw and felt and that is all I can really speak to so here goes....

I was one year old when my parents joined the LC.* Most of my experiences with the church were very positive. I loved going to Sunday school and especially remember marching up the stairs at the LC in Anaheim to sing to the Saints. What I most remember was the childrens' worship which still permeates my being today.* Praise God I was able to take the good from it all.* The thing that was most troubling and difficult for me as a child was how often my parents were gone. They were at the church meetings seven days a week. We were primarily left with babysitters.* When this occurs, you begin to question your value. Girls get their values from their fathers primarily and it was clear to me that the LC was top priority!* This was the most damaging part I believe.* Fortunately God is good and as soon as we left, my parents were with us day and night.

Another difficult aspect of it for me was that kids that were my friends, suddenly were not allowed to speak to me and in fact one told me that he couldn't play with me anymore because I was "of the devil."* I had no idea what that meant but I knew it was very bad and that I was losing a friend. I ran home and cried to my mom. This was especially painful for her because she realized that this was going to affect all of us.* Shortly after, we had paint and eggs thrown at our door and phone death threats. I kept thinking (who would do that to us) I never knew we had enemies.*

We then moved to Colorado to have a fresh start and because it wasn't safe for us in Anaheim.* Their marriage suffered greatly as well, but thank God he kept our family together, which is more then I can say for most families who got out.* We have survived and grown closer to each other and the Lord because of all of these things. Our family has moved on from this. I hold on to no anger, and no pain from these experiences. We are happy and healthy and that is my wish for all of you.* That you can move forward in your lives and see the experience as part of the journey that the Lord has set before you.* I know that some of the children blame God for their suffering and have turned from him.* Please know that God does not equal religion and that he loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life.* If you don't feel his deep love for you, please email me and I will pray for you specifically.

You can reach me here:;u=1649 "

Jessica, being obviously intimately acquainted with Max, also had this to say in regards to the character of her parent's current view of the members of the LRC, in a post dated 4/18/06:

"Hi Count Me Worthy,

Yes, there is much speculation about my father and mother regarding their time in the L.C. but what does it all matter now. We (escaped, were thrown out, left, etc. call it what you will) with our family intact. God allowed so many of those things to happen and they were very painful for my parents mostly because they loved Witness Lee and the other Saints so much. You call people "brother and sister," but brothers and sisters are supposed to love you no matter what. When I was young I used to try to say mean things about the saints and Brother Lee because I saw the pain my parents were going through and my mom would get very angry and say, " don't you dare talk that way about any of them. They are my brothers and sisters!" I didn't understand because those "brothers and sisters" were praying for our deaths and threatening our family. I now understand that she loved them then and still does no matter what they did to her because they both feel in their hearts that people were just deceived and it's not their fault. They have embraced many people since then who have apologized for praying for our deaths. I understand it now, but it was strange then. If you knew my parents you would love them because they are real. Everyone who really knows them does. You can't help loving them because they will do anything for you and will always forgive you. They don't pretend they were perfect, they just are who they are. My parents hold no ill will for anyone in the L.C. past or PRESENT! They know we will all be together shortly with the Lord and all of this will fall away!"

Another member of Bereans, Octim, has testified (4/18/06)

"Jessica, I bumped into your dad after he had left the local church and what impressed me was how HAPPY he was! He was glowing with Christ! All the junk about Max this and Max that went out the window when I just talked to him. He was so genuine and real and loving. It made me immediately question what I had been told about "Max's rebellion". He was also the only elder that ever would show that its OK to have a sense of humor. So many elders would speak like professors, Max would speak like a excited college coach, cheering his team on! As a young person, I responded to that much better than a lecture.

Praise the Lord, Max has moved on and isn't bitter. I have been amazed at how these brothers that went through so much(John Ingalls, Al Knoch, Max) are NOT bitter! They would have a right to be, considering the slander that was spread. It just goes to show that the Love of Christ can wipe away anything."

Please people, what can you offer personally about Max? Please stick to first hand information and present the facts as you know them.
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