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Old 11-22-2012, 03:17 PM   #40
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 348
Default Re: Our Reading Continues

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Having never read the book, I have long believed the book could not have been written without insider information.
Thanks for that Terry,

And please pardon my earlier interruption of your posts on the Harvest House lawsuit, I'd like more info (I am guilty of not following your links, I'm afraid).

Honestly, what amazes me the most is that I have never heard that Max was involved in any way with "The God-Men". I have seen many ex-members asked what became of him (see Bereans link I provided in the last post), and no one volunteered an answer. No one seemed to know. If LSM read this book, and obviously they did, and if Max's testimony is so easily dismissed, WHY WOULDN'T THEY TELL THEIR LOYAL MEMBERS THAT MAX WAS A PART OF THIS? That question needs to be answered, because as of right now, this lawsuit by Witness Lee is starting to look more like a snow-job.
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