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Old 11-22-2012, 10:43 AM   #39
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Our Reading Continues

Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast View Post
A Source is Revealed

"One of our sources of information on Local Church practices was Max D. Rapoport, who served as Witness Lee's right-hand man for more than four years, ending in 1978. A forceful, dynamic personality, Rapoport provided leadership and counsel for the Local Church nationally and internationally. His responsibilities included directing leaders' training sessions, drafting church policy and managing church business affairs. Rapoport eventually became Lee's most intimate associate and favored confidante. Then, as president of the Anaheim Local Church and a member of the board of directors of Living Stream, Inc, Rapoport became convicted about Local Church practices and for eighteen months sought to instigate reform. He gradually slipped from his status as Lee's heir apparent and finally was publically denounced before the LC's in Orange County. A videotape of that meeting was sent to all the other LC's in the US. By that time he had left the LC, accompanied by a number of other disquieted members. Lee and LC officials have decried Rapoports defection and labeled him a lost son of perdition. Rapoport and his associates, however, have opted for biblical truth, sound practice, and open fellowship with all Christians.
Having never read the book, I have long believed the book could not have been written without insider information.
What I have bolded from Neitherfirstnorlast's post,is to single out as an example of a double standard. It was okay to circulate a video of Max being publicly denounced, but it was not okay when the audio of the Anaheim August 1988 meeting being circulated when the Anaheim elders gave their 16 points message. Whoever was responsible for circulating the tapes, it was John Ingalls and maybe his co-elders too were blamed for the tapes being circulated. Sorry LSM, you cannot have it both ways.
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