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Old 11-22-2012, 04:20 AM   #37
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The God-Men: An Inquiry into Witness Lee & the Local Church

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Does the fact that a group that was evangelizing on the Berkley campus funded or requested the study evidence that it is tainted?

Was competition for converts so great that there was a battle for them? It would seem that the group that ultimately does not "keep" them, but instead steers them to other churches has no reason to compete. It is not so personal with them. But the other has a vested interest in the outcome. Numbers means more money. For Campus Crusade, funding generally comes from outside. Their existence on campus is almost always as a para-church mission group.

None of these questions determine whether the findings by SCP were correct, or were presented in a fair manner. But neither does the LRC's charges of "commissioned" or "in competition" direct that what was reported was false or misleading. There are other Christian groups on most campuses and they are not "competing" in the way that the LRC seems to think that they were with Campus Crusade.
Good questions. Again, I don't have the inclination to do the research necessary to give them a reasonable answer other than to share my testimony which might help others.

However, since I am much more familiar with the LRC response and lawsuits and have judged that these things were shameful for Christians I can use that as a basis.

The "competition" as you put it between InterVarsity and the LRC was started by this book. You might not like the way the LRC "ended" it, but it is absurd to give Inter Varsity a pass since they "started" it.

I think there is a proverb that says something to the effect 'if you wring your nose you are going to get a bloody nose'. Inter Varsity wrung their nose and they got a bloody nose.
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