Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
Respectfully brother, your use of the word "poison" is a demonstration of the bias you hold. You say "poison", others might say "warn" or even "save". "Poison" implies that someone has been deliberately given something that will make them ill or kill them - whereas a warning given means someone is told to be wary in handling/dealing with something. That this book effected the ability of the Local Church to recruit new members, I have no doubt. What needs to be determined, however, was whether or not that warning was validly given, or had a right to be given.
Doesn't your presence here, and your long posts on Witness Lee being a False Teacher do the very thing that SCP was accused of doing?
I am not denying that I have a particular viewpoint, and if you wish you can call that a bias. My point is that there was no reason to be vague in that bias, I said specifically what it was.
I use the word poison because a person that we preached the gospel to and who prayed with us one day would not talk to us other than to say this group had talked to them the next day. That is not "warned". Also, if they had then shepherded this newly saved one I would feel less negative about it, but they felt their work was done by preventing us from shepherding this one. We preached the gospel to unbelievers, not people meeting with intervarsity or campus crusade, they talked to them, and now this person doesn't want to talk to any Christian. Yes, that in my understanding is poisoned.
SCP were prophets for hire. They were paid by a Christian group to come in and curse the LRC. What they did was similar to what Balaam did. Since Balaam is the poster boy for false teachers I have used him as an example of what Witness Lee did. So no, what SCP did is what Witness Lee did, which is what Balaam did, not what I have done. I do not see any similarity to my posts on this forum.
I believe they both used pernicious ways. I have gone into great depth of why I think WL used pernicious ways, I also have first hand experiences concerning this book but see little reason to share them here.
They both used fabricated words.
They both were motivated by covetousness.