Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
First brother, I understand these events transpired while you were a part of the LC. Yes, you offer a first hand view that I don't have - but you must also confess, that being a part of the "body" of the prosecution at the time, your view is biased. Here your bias is exposed (and I say this gently, not in an accusing tone):
Biased in what way?
I thought I explained very clearly in the post you referenced. I had first hand experience of gospel contacts being poisoned by people using this book. So I knew that when I heard others complain that this book was damaging the work it was a valid complaint. On the other hand we felt it was not a major issue for us at the school I was at because we felt Campus Crusade and Intervarsity had minimal impact and very little respect in the school. We were speaking to ten or twenty new gospel contacts per week and we felt they could only poison a handful of contacts per year. We certainly didn't ever think that a lawsuit was the answer. This was decided by the Texas elders, specifically James Barber was the one who insisted on this approach.