Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
"...Researcher Neil Duddy went twice to Local Church headquarters in Anaheim, California, and spoke with Lee's two chief apologists. At the close of the second session... Duddy was told that Lee, for reasons of principle, does not respond to criticisms or questions from outsiders. LC executive Ronald R. Kangas was not inclined even to tell Lee that an SCP researcher had visited their headquarters.... the disposition of the LC toward such interaction was epitomized by Kangas's response to a question about Lee's extensive use of allegory "You're not spiritual. You don't understand".
This particular line has bothered me, and it's bothered me for one reason: RK is alluding to Scripture here. What he's alluding to is John 3:3 "
Truly truly I say to you, unless one is born anew he cannot see the Kingdom of God."
I will assume that RK meant what he said - he wasn't saying this because he didn't want to discuss matters with Neil Duddy - he was saying it because he believes that Neil is incapable of understanding the language used by Witness Lee precisely because he hasn't been regenerated.
IF I assume this to be true, then I have to ask: What responsibility does RK have to an unregenerated unbeliever (or "nominal christian") who comes to him seeking the truth? Does he have the right to dismiss him, or does the Lord call him to do more? Would the Lord call him to witness to this man? To tell him HOW to receive the Holy Spirit? Isn't that our calling?
I would also ask, what standard is RK using here that allows him to determine that ND was an unregenerated unbeliever?
Just questions I want to raise - I will not provide my answers to them.