Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
"...Researcher Neil Duddy went twice to Local Church headquarters in Anaheim, California, and spoke with Lee's two chief apologists. At the close of the second session... Duddy was told that Lee, for reasons of principle, does not respond to criticisms or questions from outsiders. LC executive Ronald R. Kangas was not inclined even to tell Lee that an SCP researcher had visited their headquarters.... the disposition of the LC toward such interaction was epitomized by Kangas's response to a question about Lee's extensive use of allegory "You're not spiritual. You don't understand"."
Based on what "principle" does one not respond to questions and criticism from others?
Doesn't the classification of other Christians as "outsiders" indicate a sectarian attitude?
It seems to me that the attitude displayed here by WL, Ron Kangas, and LSM is the height of arrogance. Am I mistaken?