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Old 08-16-2008, 08:24 AM   #189
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I interpret man being a little lower to mean in manifest mental and spiritual prowess, not in potential moral prowess. Why? Because since man is in the image of God and angels are not, then man must be at least potentially morally superior to angels. (When I say morally superior, I don't mean more moral, but rather capable of making more profound moral choices.) The potential for good in a creature is generally equal to its potential for evil. So if Satan can self-corrupt, man must be able to do so also, not needing Satan's help to do so. The "Satan's nature injected" argument is implicitly an argument that man needed, for lack of a better word, something of Satan's nature mingled with his own to become corrupted. My argument is that since man is innately morally superior to angels then that is not the case.
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