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Old 11-20-2012, 05:24 AM   #18
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Default Re: J. Gordon Melton

Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast View Post
Rather than being "unscholarly" or "incomplete", "The God-Men: An inquiry into Witness Lee & the Local Church" is in fact very well researched and thoroughly documents what Neil Duddy uncovers in his four years of research WITHIN the Local Church. Duddy also went out his way to check the facts with the men best equipped to give them to him: Witness Lee and the closest members of his entourage.
I understand that there was a semblance of scholarship, but some of his key stories were not real at all. The "original" research for this book matched that for the other book Mindbenders. Thomas Nelson Publishers actually retracted that book when they were informed of certain behind the scenes activities concerning the authors.

That said, I welcome your input. Usually the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. It is my belief, however, that these forums, filled with the stories of former members, have provided the best record of what the LC is all about.
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