Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
But now I am beginning to believe it is more complicated than I once thought. It does seem to me that newborns, naked as they are and unaware of it, are miniature Adams. The problem is, they are not born into Eden. They are born into a family of sinners with an environment that is tainted by sin.
All I can add is that I've had a similar consideration before.
It has seemed to me in the past that God's justice would mandate this.
My appreciation is that the enemy's goal is to declare "NO FAIR!" up to the very edge of the Lake of Fire. We will all stand there along with our dear Savior and against that lie because we have all lived it and, through His grace and mercy, through it, and will therefor cast him into it.
Adam ate the apple so every one of his descendants who somehow manages to miss out on being a Jew or a Christian by being on the wrong continent in the wrong century gets a one-way-ticket to eternal hellfire?
I can construct an orthodox defense of this myself, but, what if in addition to those reasonings it is also possible to say, as you have speculated, SC, "But YOU also did the SAME yourself when given the chance, amigo?" For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, you know?
I've got more speculations along this line but this is probably more than I should have said already....