Originally Posted by KSA
What would you say of these verses then: "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me" (Ps. 51:5). "Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble... who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? No one!" (Job. 14:1, 4).
And I also believe that doubt and lie entered into man. I actually stated it earlier.
Yes, you did make that last point earlier. I am agreeing with you now. Progress!
As for the two verses, I am familiar with them both. I have always taken them to mean we are born sinners. I never bought the Catholic "age of accountability" teaching. But now I am beginning to believe it is more complicated than I once thought. It does seem to me that newborns, naked as they are and unaware of it, are miniature Adams. The problem is, they are not born into Eden. They are born into a family of sinners with an environment that is tainted by sin. This might be how they are were conceived in sin ... a sinful environment, even a sinful womb.
That deals with the Psalms verse. The Job one is tougher to reconcile. There are definite Christ implications here as he was born of woman and was clean. So a conumdrum is there. This doesn't dismiss the rest of us from the issue. However, it doesn't say directly that the newborn is a sinner. It instead says, in its riddling way, that no one is capable of bringing something clean out of the unclean. There's wiggle room for me here.
I'd like to hear what others think on this matter. I do think it is very related to this thread.