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Old 08-15-2008, 06:06 AM   #166
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 273

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
By the way, I have to point out that the above is just plain fallacious and beneath you. Whether angels or demons are different or not in no way weakens Hanegraaff's basic argument. For example, suppose Hanegraaff said "No car can travel over 1000 miles per hour. So a Ford Explorer cannot travel over 1000 miles per hour." You equivalent response to him would be, "Hanegraaff doesn't even know a Ford Explorer is really a truck, so his assertion is useless." That's about the speed of your argument above, no pun intended.
Well, in a debate about the nature of who the "sons of God" refer to in Genesis 6, you would think a so-called Bible expert would take the time to at least define and use the key terms carefully. Defining terms in a debate is crucial.

However, since you think my rejection of Hanegraaff's argument on these grounds was fallacious and lowly, I'll withdraw it. I didn't do a point by point refutation of it because I thought it would be tedious to me and the reader alike and it really isn't my concern in this general debate. I may go ahead now and do so, however, since you have requested it.

One last point. You are the one stating absolutes here. You said this whole idea of Satan's nature somehow entering man is "stupid." I merely am raising flags found in the Bible to show that things aren't all that simple. For me, the jury is still out on this issue.

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