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Old 10-20-2012, 01:24 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 348
Default Re: J. Gordon Melton

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Something to keep in mind is that both of these books were produced in th 70s at a time when The Local Church was somewhat secretive and extremely uncooperative towards all outsiders (Cult busters or no). The authors were forced to fill in a lot of blanks when it came to writing about the teachings and practices. So I don't think the "unscholarly" term applies as much as incomplete and or not fully accurate....and considering who they were dealing with it's a wonder they got as much information as they did.
I brought these books forward only because, in the brief time I affiliated with the LRC, there were a few "divisive" elements that were quarantined:

1) Titus Chu and the "Great Lakes saints". These became personna non-grata, and when I was in Anaheim RG spoke this in a tone as Grave as his name: "The lights went out all across the midwest. There are no lampstands left there, the Lord has no testimony in these places." We were warned not to fellowship with these ones, do not go there, and do not look even to contact them. You might be poisoned.

2) The "Rebellion" of Dong yu Long(?) in South America also illicited a warning letter from LSM, with an admonition to not even go on-line and try to look into these matters yourself, for fear of a poisoning.

Knowing that this is LSM's modus operandi, should we not also start to question what else they deemed "poisonous", my poisonous friends?

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