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Old 10-20-2012, 01:17 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Default Re: "The Godmen" & "The Mindbenders"

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
One example, and I know this is vague, because I can't even remember which book it was from. But I remember an account of the writer visiting an LC meeting and listening to the popcorn testimonies and other declarations and being troubled by the unusual tone and cadence of them. What was it?, he asked. Finally it came to him. Everyone sounded Chinese, even though they were largely white Americans!

I remember at the time I thought the guy was crazy. But now I think there was something to it. I think we had picked up the way the Chinese saints would speak very rapidly and then end on a very high, extended note. "Di-di-di-di-di-di-deeeeeeeeeee!" Everyone did it. Though I don't know what they sound like now.
Interesting observation; I have to confess I've heard it too. I mean, the "Chinese saints" in our church largely didn't participate at all.... only two ever stood to share anything, and the most of them sat quietly by themselves. Most of the caucasian folks in our locality admitted that, though they'd been meeting with the chinese people for years, they didn't even know their names... yet Chinese pronunciations seemed to abound. The way many of the caucasians would call on the Lord, wish I had it recorded, but I'm sure you've heard it "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH LOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHDDDDDD JEEEEEEEEEE/ZUSSSSS" That "Jesus" was often GEE-ZUS, with such a hard Chinese "Z" for the second syllable. Weird habit. The "R" in Lord was often slurred too, just like the Chinese might say it. Learned worship, done by rote, I suppose.

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