Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
Well, for starters it would be nice if Hanegraaff got the specie right. The argument is for fallen angels, not demons. Demons and fallen angels are clearly different beings with numerous scriptural examples showing their distinctions. G. H. Pember inferred that demons were the disembodied spirits of a preadamite race, a controversial assessment to be sure, but one that at least clearly shows that they were not fallen angels.
While Hanegraaff made some interesting points (all quite refuteable), the fact that he couldn't even get this basic component right makes it a fairly useless piece of evidence.
There's no solid scriptural ground for believing there is any difference between demons and fallen angels. That's Pembers teaching which Lee took and fed to us. I just don't see enough ground for believing it.
Besides, that's a side issue and a red herring to Hanegraaff's actual argument, which is quite strong. Can demons or angels on their own produce DNA and sperm cells capable of producing life in a human female? I have no reason to believe they have that kind of power. Do you?
And if Hanegraff's argument is refutable, then do it. Tell me how angels can produce physical bodies capable of duplicating human DNA and sperm.