Originally Posted by coalsoffire
I just can't take it anymore. There is nowhere to go, nowhere "to be." Just here, where I am, in all that I do. I give up on this church thing and on who is right and who is wrong. I do not have the heart for it.
Every Christian needs fellowship. We were not meant to be just by ourselves. We are meant to help others and be helped by others. We have to pray that the Lord brings us together with the people he wants us to be with. Being a lone ranger has no future.
You don't have to get involved in politics, you don't even have to join a "church." Just do what you can and leave the rest to God. Sure, people are frustrating. Everyone experiences that. What else is new? But I believe part of the maturing process is to learn to deal with people while not compromising integrity.
The Church is everywhere. It might just be with some neighborhood friends once a week at Starbucks. You don't have to be conventional--but don't give up on the Church. That's the same as giving up on humanity, which means giving up on yourself.