Originally Posted by OBW
Denominate is to give a name. Please identify the problem with a name besides the possibility of some group with a name actually being in error on something. Is the name itself an error?
Denominations have a headquarters. Please identify the problem with a headquarters other than the fact that it can be abused. Is the denomination itself an error?
I believe that to the extent that some actual error can occur in an assembly with a name and/or with a headquarters you will find that in a community in which there is only one actual Christian assembly with no name and only local elders, essentially every error laid at the feet of a denomination, or a free group with a name on a sign can be duplicated with little effort.
Mike, I consider names to be minor mainly because for any assembly, congregation, etc that has a tax id they need a name to be identified for their tax id.
More importatantly are the practices, teachings, etc.
Are teachings leading the assembly to know the Lord more?
Are practices doctrine oriented?
As individual believers once we differentiate ourselves as Christians by where we assemble, isn't that the recipe to be denominated?
Isn't it enough to know one another as a brother or sister in Christ and where we meet or don't meet is definitely not essential?
What is essential is not to take any way of division. My belief is it starts with attitude and practices. Just be general and leave non-essentials at the door.