Originally Posted by OBW
Denominate is to give a name. Please identify the problem with a name besides the possibility of some group with a name actually being in error on something. Is the name itself an error?
Denominations have a headquarters. Please identify the problem with a headquarters other than the fact that it can be abused. Is the denomination itself an error?
Mike, you make some good points. The problem with denoms are not their name, but the system of bad things which they promote and harden in concrete over time. To me most names are insignificant. They are descriptive of the group. We were made to believe that names were so evil and only we had the "proper name."
"Headquarters," can serve many functions, if they really are serving the churches. The dangers of power and controls (
think: power corrupts) just seem too powerful to avoid, and that is why the Bible never promotes them. I do believe WN was right when he stated the "local eldership is the highest court."
Last Sunday I heard a story about a pastor and his congregation which rented a room at the same hotel where their denominational leaders were having their meetings. They were praying
against some of the decisions made by their denominational leaders. Decisions which were binding upon every congregation.
These types of decisions are what destroys churches, robbing them of the liberty to follow the Head, and introducing "extras" into God's pure bride. Take away
the power of headquarters, and they become servants, and that's a good thing.