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Old 08-13-2008, 04:14 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
Dear KSA,

Thanks for your initiation. I'm sorry for not having participated in the past discussion in Bearean Forum. So please forgive me if I'm repeating the same thing.

1. I thought over your illustration of an "untuned piano." I think even though the untuned piano is not added with something, the untuned piano is of sinful nature as long as it gives us untuned sound. In other words, as long as a person has a defection of will, he himself is of sinful nature.

So isn't it better to delete "sinful nature" in your first conclusion?
Well, my objection to the term "sinful nature" is this. Nature is a substance. All substance is created by God. Therefore, substance cannot be sinful. Sin is not a substance, it is a perversion of substance. Sin does not have an ontological existence of its own. It is just the corruption of something created by God.

2. To go further, even if Satan did not enter into man, if he influenced him enough to defect man's will, can we not say that
man was added with the influence? Can influence not be a kind of substance? - Gubei
No, influence is not a substance. Substance is a matter, and influence is not.
Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. Soren Kierkegaard
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