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Old 08-12-2008, 12:08 PM   #115
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 318

My observation from reading the bible is that there is a whole other world going on in the spiritual realm that we as humans are not privy to in it's entirety but can catch glimpses of it here and there. Within this realm are a hierarchy of good and bad angels and within this system are certain protocols and procedures in how they relate one to another and to God. Job, Eph, 2 Peter and Jude give us some insights into this matter. To directly handle a human being it appears Satan has to ask for God's permission e.g. Job and Peter. It appears God may grant permission but gives limitations. It seems to me that if Satan actually lived in human beings these other items would be moot.

Further when I consider the incarnation I find it rather preposterous that the Holy Spirit would join himself with a body in which Satan dwelt to bring forth Jesus Christ.
My greatest joy is knowing Jesus Christ!
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