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Old 08-12-2008, 05:43 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by Peter Debelak View Post
I agree that the sin is/was disobedience. But does this mean that I was not BORN sinful, but rather lost access to God only after my first actual act of disobedience (which, if I remember correctly, was at age 8 months )?

If not - that is, if I WAS born with and in sin, how is that possible? Bio-theology?
Peter, we are indeed born sinful. As I mentioned in my earlier posts, the fall corrupted our human nature, distorted it and twisted it. People live according the lusts that are warring in their flesh. The lusts are the desires that were created by God, but were distorted and misused by us. The distortion was caused by ego-centeredness. When man was created, all his desires were to be focused on God. When he fell, his desires are focused on himself. He left God as his source! So man is born with the law of sin and death in his flesh. But this law is not the law of satanic life as Witness Lee taught, but the law of fallen human nature.
Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. Soren Kierkegaard
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