Re: LSM’s Contradictary Rapture Teaching
OK Cassidy,
You may never get your direct quote. Just like Lee almost never said that he was an apostle or other such related things. He just constantly put the one part of a teaching out there (as the LSM has said since Lee's death" out there with statements like "the one who brings you [thus and such] teaching is the apostle of the age" or "the delegated authority" or whatever), then separately stated that he was the one bringing such teachings and no one else was.
No. It is difficult to find Lee ever directly saying much of anything way other there like that. He just stated the parts independently of each other. He said "A=B" in one context then said "I am A" in another. But he never said he was B. Not in direct terms. He left that for others to assert for him. Then when challenged on it, he would say something like "I never said such a thing" or "I never encouraged such speaking." But he was caught at least one time saying that he kinda liked "being exalted." He liked being called such a person as an apostle or a unique minister of the age (I forget which it was).
You can try to assert that Lee was silent on the subject of date/year of the rapture, or Second Coming, but he spoke it in pieces without specifically pointing to the other pieces. He never considered that creating a private ministry empire would put his every word into print where we could dig through it. And his continuing minions are so proud of it that they put it online for us all to read free of charge. They never considered how much damage could be had when it was discovered that he left a bread trail from terms like "just a poor minister" to "apostle of the age" with the "ministry of the age."
And your insistence upon a single sentence or paragraph with everything in it can only be seen as an attempt to obfuscate the wealth of information concerning what he actually did say. And it includes indirect declarations about the year of the rapture. And his ascension to "Apostle of the age."
It has been suggested that your mannerisms hint at a previous advocate for Lee and the LSM. I really don't care. It is clear that, as UntoHim has said, you can choke on a gnat and swallow a camel. That is all that matters. Others will see through your ruse. Or you will wake up and see it yourself. Not sure which.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel